| #2: HP from ET and weight: These performance equations are estimates. They let you know what to expect if everything is matched fairly well. But if you don't have slicks and a well setup suspension, your 60 ft times will be slower, or if you have 3.25 gears when you should have 4.10, then your ET will be slower. ET...Elapsed time for 1/4 mile, seconds MPH..Trap speed at end of 1/4 mile, miles per hour WT...Weight, pounds (includes driver, fuel, etc.) ET = 5.825 * (WT/HP)^0.333 MPH = 234. * (HP/WT)^0.333 60 ft time = 0.17 + 0.12*ET (sea level, slicks, best gear, etc) HP = WT*(MPH/234)^3 HP = WT/(ET/5.825)^3 ET(1/4 mile) = 1.58 * ET(1/8 mile)